Wander Knowledge Base

Mobile App - Onboarding: Add an existing wallet by Keyfile

Add an existing wallet by Keyfile during onboarding instructions:

Important: Your keyfile needs to be a json keyfile. You can verify this by checking if your file ends in .json.

  1. Download Wander Mobile: https://www.wander.app/download
  2. Select “Add an existing account”
  3. Select “Keyfile”
  4. Select “Click to upload” button
  5. Select the Keyfile of the wallet you want to add
  6. Confirm you want to add the wallet
  7. Create a password
    • IMPORTANT - There is no reset password. Please make sure to save your password someplace secure
    • Password requirements is a 5 character minimum
  8. Enable biometric authentication, notifications, or analytics
  9. This is optional and does not impact the functionality of the wallet
  10. Choose your Wander user interface theme
  11. Finished!

Your wallet is now imported! You can now start exploring the Permaweb

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