Mobile App - How to receive Arweave or AO Assets
In order to receive Arweave or AO assets to your Wander Mobile Wallet, you need to share your wallet’s address with the person or application that wants to transfer you Arweave or AO assets.
If you are not familiar with what a wallet address is, it is very similar to your bank account number. In order to send you Arweave or AO assets, a person or application needs to know what wallet address to send the assets to.
Each Arweave and AO wallet is associated with an Arweave and AO address. Here are some details about Arweave and AO wallet addresses:
- The address doesn’t necessary start with “0x” like on other chains.
- The address is exactly 43 characters long.
- It can only include normal and capitalized letters, number, “-” and “_”.
- Addresses are case sensitive.
⚠️ Remember: you cannot receive tokens from Ethereum or any other chain. Arweave and AO are its own chain, meaning that you cannot hold tokens from other blockchains. However, you can use the same address for Arweave and AO assets
How to get your wallet deposit address
IMPORTANT - your address is going to be a long string of letters, numbers, and/or special characters
- Open the Wander mobile app
- On your dashboard, click the Receive button
- Click the copy button next to your address and send that to the person or application what wants to transfer you Arweave or AO assets; OR
- Click the Share button and select the application you want to use to send your wallet address; OR
- Have the person or application scan the QR code to get your wallet address
- Finished